World HQ.
Barbara & Beric, Parents of the Minx, were carried to & from Milton Keynes to see their youngest daughter being nasty to poor Snow White. Barbara is recovering from a Devil Bug of Ferociousness Extreme, but was sufficiently fit to make the journey. Snow fell from overcast grey on the journey south, but had cleared on the return.
This gave me an afternoon in central Milton Keynes. I was anticipating being the only person cheering for the Wicked Queen, as yesterday Barbara was too ill to travel & I would have been the second ticket. What to say of a Saturday afternoon in a large shopping centre which is also the centre of a town that is a shopping mall in its entirety? Well, the children of Milton Keynes were expressing their joy of living by communicating in the established fashion; their parents & elders were gently colliding with each others in traffic flows; greater discounts are on offer in the sales than a week ago; the queues for coffee at all coffee providers were so long I walked away; and bought two books to help advance my computer skills.
Then carried Parents Willcox back to Worcestershire, both of them expressing how much they enjoyed the panto and how can they do that two times a day? This is not a question I can answer. It’s been a long time since Crim could do two shows a night on a long touring run.
At HQ, AOL is performing its well-established operational mode – collapse! collapse! - each time the mailbox is opened. Well, it’s practising rather than e-flurrying for me then; a welcome alternative.